Annuity Caution #7: Variable Annuity Rider Buy Backs
Recently, annuity-owners of variable annuities with riders from insurance companies, such as Axa Equitable and The Hartford, have been contacted by their insurance company issuer. The offer is in writing, and sometimes followed up with a phone call, with offers to pay the annuity-owner a one-time lump sum to relinquish (void) some of the initial riders with guarantees, benefits that rely on the insurance company to pay them. Is the lump sum better or the long-term guarantee? Read this before you invest!
Annuity Caution #6: L-Share / Short Surrender Annuities
Be cautious about purchasing a variable annuity with a shortened (3-4 year) surrender period. They could cost you more. Read this before you invest!
Annuity Caution #3: Variable Annuity Transfers
Are you considering a replacement of your current variable annuity with another? Read this before you transfer!
Annuity Caution #2: FINRA Broker Lookup
Prior to purchasing an annuity, look up your financial advisor on FINRA’s website to see if he or she has any complaints on file or a criminal background. Read this before you invest!
Annuity Caution #1: Pre-Purchase Annuity Checklist
Prior to purchasing a variable you should consider the information below. Read this before you invest!