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Higher Payouts, Pension-Like Income from Deferred Income Annuities

There are certain places where you often see negative information about annuities.  So when a financial magazine like Kiplinger’s says that “Deferred Income Annuities Offer Predictability,” you know that these products are something to look into.  Kimberly Lankford points out that deferred income annuities create …

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Second Quarter Annuity Figures Positive for Industry

The second quarter of 2012 offered the annuity industry some positive results and the ability to look forward to the future.  While most of the annuity figures are still down when compared to 2012, the different types of annuities had increases from the first to …

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When to Opt for a Joint Life Immediate Annuity

A basic, but important annuity question was the topic of a question and answer section in Kiplinger.  In “Choosing an Immediate Annuity,” Kimberly Lankford was asked about the difference between choosing an annuity that will last over your lifetime versus lasting over your spouse’s lifetime …

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