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Annuities for Retirement: Stricter Regulation in Florida

A press release from Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink details new legislation the state has passed to protect residents from annuities fraud. Specifically, it bans the practice known as “twisting”, where an unscrupulous agent combines several annuities into one with a different holiday. The …

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CNN: Stretch Your 401(k) With Immediate Annuities

On CNNMoney, Penelope Wang suggests that buying immediate annuities with your 401(k) money may be a good bet after you retire. Employers often pay out 401(k) accounts in a lump sum for convenience purposes, but many people struggle to make that money last throughout their …

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Immediate Annuities: Best Kept Secret

On The Huffington Post, Dan Solin writes that immediate annuities are a less publicized yet suitable investment for retirees or those about to retire. He cites evidence that people who invest in an immediate annuity as part of their retirement portfolio are less likely to …

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WSJ Suggests Fixed Immediate Annuities for Retirees

In a Wall Street Journal article, Shelly Banjo and Kristen McNamara highlighted the advantages of fixed immediate annuities. Like standard fixed annuities, they are generally safe investments for retirees. Unlike them, these products begin making payments soon after you deposit a lump sum and provide …

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