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401k Annuities Rollovers Part of Obama’s Recommendations


In the Chicago Sun-TImes, David Roeder describes why there is “Little payoff seeking the next Google.”  He summarizes some of the latest financial news and goings-on.  Financial guys on TV always seem to be looking for the next company that will start from nothing and skyrocket to success, like Google or Apple.  But looking into the past 10 or so years, the companies with the highest expected growth potential actually had the worst annualized returns.  It seems that the lowest expectations in the stock market actually provide for the best investments.  There are some large companies whose stocks are being recommended by Chicago Investment banks like William Blair & Co.  Others are looking to invest in products that teenagers love: food & entertainment included.

Companies like MetLife, Hartford Financial, and AIG look to benefit from the Obama administration’s new recommendations.  They are looking to introduce rules that will push retirees to 401k annuities rollovers.  Currently only 2% of people with 401k’s convert them to an annuity in retirement.  Since annuities help to counteract the risk of outliving one’s savings, the government believes that this guaranteed income will help Americans through retirement.  Finance information is all over the news and has even seeped into the entertainment world.  A new documentary entitled “Floored” about the Chicago trading floors is playing in Chicago.  With the renewed public interest in financial freedom, information about stocks, annuities, and retirement is at the forefront of America’s publications.

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