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First Immediate Annuity from Securian


According to The Retirement Reporter, Securian Financial Group has begun to offer its inagural single premium immediate annuity (SPIA). The product is called IncomeToday! After paying an initial $25,000 premium, IncomeToday! provides continuous fixed payments, either for life or a defined period of time. This SPIA is available from Securian’s Minnesota Life subsidiary for individuals 90 years old or under.

Immediate annuities are pension-like plans that provide greater security than other annuities and may be suitable for retirement, especially for those individuals whose employers no longer provide fixed pensions that guarantee income for life. Securian’s Director of Annuity Marketing, Kerry Geurkink, states that SPIAs could be even more beneficial for women, due to their longer life expectancies. These annuities also stretch tax liabilities over a longer time frame (allowing you to pay less per year).

In the past, Securian has offered a single premium immediate variable annuity (SPIVA).

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